exposição individual / solo exhibition

O processo de trabalho desta série parte de uma série de fotografias que tirei num sítio pré-histórico em 2015 (Filitosa, Córsega). Essas imagens foram depois trabalhadas até as esvaziar de fundos, de cores, enfim, de tudo o mais que fosse supérfluo à única ideia que me interessava, que era um enfoque total nas formas e nas texturas das pedras milenares, assim justapostas, em construções feitas pela mão do Homem e do Tempo, que então me contaram as histórias secretas que eu transcrevi nestes desenhos.
The work process for this series starts with a series of photographs I took on a prehistoric site in 2015 (Filitosa, Corsica). These images were then edited until they were completely emptied of backgrounds, colours and everything else that was unnecessary to the only idea that interested me, which was a total focus on the forms and textures of the ancient stones, thus juxtaposed, in constructions made by the hands of Man and Time that told me the secret stories that I later transcribed through these drawings.